Auditions for Traffik: Games GrownUps Play 2020
Synopsis: Jacquay Waller’s “Traffik: Games Grown-ups Play” allows its audience to take a peek into the secret world of human trafficking. It is a world masked by stereotypes, judgments and assumptions. We look into the faces of strangers and decide that they are somehow responsible for their negative circumstances. High heels, mini-skirts and heavy make-up hide the tears of a teenage girl forced into prostitution. Women dressed similarly desire to make money by having sex with men and have no problem sharing their bodies with strangers. A heavy accent must be a sign of ignorance and a desire to take advantage of hard-working Americans. Forced servitude exists, but not in the United States of America. Surely, a highly educated man is incapable of sexually desiring and abusing small children. The stage play “Traffik” challenges these beliefs and compels the audience to re-examine how they judge others.
Casting for the following characters:
Matty – (foreign accent ideal) arrogant opportunist who traffics girls, boys, women, and men to the United States promising freedom and opportunity; holds them against their will and makes them work off family debts
Shiloh – High schooler/College student; new to school; discovers her new friend is working with a trafficker.
Natasha – model who accepts job overseas; kidnapped and held against her will.
Stacy – gullible overly-trusting young woman who is kidnapped in broad daylight will spending time at the mall with friends.
Amber (Daddy’s Girl) – young lady living with her father. Her father throws parties and has her to entertain his guests.
Show Dates: April 9th – April 19th
Location: Marietta’s New Theatre in the Square
To sign up for an auditon, click on the link below and select a time. Please have a 1-2 minute monologue prepared and be ready for a cold read. Good Luck!